Friday, November 14, 2014


I can't believe that this semester is almost over and I am so excited to have some free time again before next semester starts. The only obstacle that I have standing in the way of this is all of the work that I have procrastinated on this semester. I have had a horrible case of senioritis and I partially blame my busy schedule for this. On the rarer occasions this semester when I have had free time, I often found myself staring blankly at my computer screen for hours with major writer's block. Other times that I tried to to my homework, I would wake up with an indent on my stomach from my laptop.

It is safe to say that I am kicking myself in the butt right now while trying to catch up on all of these assignments. 


  1. I too have waited until the last minute to get this CRAZY work load completed...I love the picture you included in your post's true haha! Just know you're not alone!

  2. Deadlines are easier to manage with smaller deadlines along the way. That is why I set mini-deadlines for my hs students when we do a project. They don't have the experience to realize how long a project will take. Good work hanging in there! Senioritis is real and purposeful!
